Biometric facial recognition

Now recommended by the JMLSG to combat fraud.

The UK Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG) published a revision to its guidance, concerning the steps firms should take to manage the risk of impersonation fraud. This guidance now recommends the use of biometric data (including facial recognition and liveness checks where appropriate), as a suggested additional verification method to prevent fraud when onboarding customers remotely. We recommend biometric verification because it's trusted, robust and minimises friction.

What is biometric facial recognition?

Biometric facial recognition is a technology that analyses and identifies individuals based on their unique facial features. By coupling biometric facial recognition with passive liveness or presentation attack detection along with ID document checks, organisations can build a comprehensive defence against fraudsters. In the industry we call this Identity proofing.   

Leading document & biometrics solutions

GBG brings together the world's leading technology to deliver the most powerful biometrics and document verification capabilities through GBG GO.

Product in focus: GBG GO

With this change in JMSLG guidance, many businesses will now be looking to implement biometric verification for the first time. GBG GO is a new no-code biometric and document onboarding solution that enables you to onboard more good customers quickly and easily. With a drag-and-drop customer Journey builder, ready-to-go templates and an easy UI Editor, you don’t need to know code to know your customer.

Go simpler

GO is an automated identity proofing solution with document tamper detection, biometric facial recognition and liveness to verify a genuine customer. 

Flexible ID verification setup with GBG

Go faster

GO provides ready-to-go customer journey templates to get you up and running with automated identity proofing, with no coding and minimal technical resources. 

Go smarter

GO’s risk-based approach lets you focus on premium customer experiences and improve your cost-per-customer acquisition. 

GBG Intelligent Data Processing
GBG statistics diagnostics for ID verification

Go your way

An end-to-end customer onboarding solution with real-time analytics of journey times, screen performance and drop-off locations. 

Speak to an expert today

We understand the importance of delivering secure, simple and streamlined customer onboarding experiences. Meet new JMLSG guidelines today.