Netherlands gaming and the CRUKS exclusion register
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Netherlands gaming and the CRUKS exclusion register

The Dutch Gaming and Gambling Authority KSA (Kansspelautoriteit) is currently implementing the regulatory framework for online gaming operators planning to operate in the Netherlands. The opening of the market has already been delayed as a result of COVID-19, and the Remote Gaming Act is now expected to come into force on 1 April 2021.

This framework specifies that all licensed operators must participate in the player exclusion register CRUKS (Centraal Register Uitsluiting Kansspelen) with the aim of preventing gambling addiction, combating gambling-related fraud and crime, as well as protecting players. The Remote Gaming Act will regulate online casino games in the Netherlands for the first time.

The register must be checked each time a player wants to play, by using the player’s CRUKS code. Therefore, an ID check must capture this information so the CRUKS check can be made.

It is expected the KSA will initially launch CRUKS for land-based arcade and casino operators on 1 April 2021.

What is the format of a CRUKS code?

The CRUKS code is based on an individual’s BSN (Citizen Service Number) for Dutch residents (which is found on Dutch passports and ID cards) and includes the following components:

  • BSN
  • Surname
  • Date of birth
  • Gender

For non-BSN holders:

  • Surname
  • First names
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Place of birth
  • Document number

How will CRUKS work?

Players can add themselves to CRUKS or be added by a gaming operator or relative. The response from CRUKS when a check is made will be a simple yes or no.

More information, including technical data, on CRUKS can be found on the KSA website Centraal Register Uitsluiting Kansspelen (Cruks) voor landgebonden spelaanbieders - Kansspelautoriteit

GBG Senior Business Development Manager Rebekah Jackson said “KSA views CRUKS as an important tool to combat gambling addiction and create a safe gaming environment in the Netherlands. All operators will have to demonstrate compliance as part of obtaining their licence.”

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