WEBINAR Tuesday, October 10 | 15:00 (BST)

KYC: The new trust paradigm

Move beyond binary pass-fail compliance and onboard more global customers.

Scaling your business rapidly in new markets while managing risk cost-effectively can seem a remote possibility for many compliance teams. Accelerating international customer onboarding rates while navigating complex regulations and patchy data and document coverage in different jurisdictions can present daunting challenges.  

In a digital world that’s as colourful and complex as we are, it’s time for a paradigm shift in KYC thinking. Learn how a better understanding of digital identity can power better onboarding decisions and lasting customer relationships, unlocking new markets and delivering a competitive advantage to your business.

Join us as we remove barriers to

  • Diverse digital identity footprints
    Understand the dynamic and diverse nature of digital identities and how to recognise and welcome ‘good customers’ even when they don’t look the same.

  • KYC beyond tick-box metrics
    Make the paradigm shift from crude pass-fail, 2+2 compliance checks and refocus on understanding and establishing trust in digital identities.

  • KYC across multiple jurisdictions
    Confidently navigate the complexities of regulatory frameworks in international markets while ensuring compliance and accelerating onboarding rates.

  • Competitive global onboarding
    Learn how an effective global onboarding strategy can be a powerful source of competitive differentiation and lasting customer relationships worldwide.

Meet our speakers

Shilpa Arora

Anti-Financial Crime Director | ACAMS

Helene Vigue

Identity and Data Director | GSMA

Gus Tomlinson

Chief Product Officer | GBG

Crystal Blythe

Vice President Fraud Management | IDology

Daniel Flowe

Identity, Onboarding, Compliance | LSEG

Register now

Join us for KYC: The new trust paradigm and introduce your business to borderless customer onboarding beyond pass-fail compliance.