Introducing GBG IDscan web SDK
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Introducing GBG IDscan web SDK

Greater customer experiences lead to greater customer expectations. It’s an arms race in which businesses have to meet their customers’ high demands and in doing so, raise their expectations for next time.

GBG IDscan web SDK is the new way to delight your customers with a frictionless experience.

Your smartphone is probably the most powerful computing device you’ve ever owned. It lets you communicate with anyone on the planet at any time. If you have a hankering for a particular piece of music or a television show, it’s available in an instant.

Can you imagine being forced to wait a few days to watch your favourite episode of Downton Abbey, when the series has been online for over three days? It’s unimaginable.

And these days we demand just as much from the services we choose to consume. From on-demand entertainment, to food delivery, payments and even medical diagnoses, we are no longer happy to wait for anything.

If, as a customer, you're about to decide to consume a product/service or not, businesses need to be ready - or you'll simply Google their competitor and sign up with them.

When speed is everything, asking your customer to download a bloated mobile application just to verify their identity before using your product is a massive barrier to onboarding.

Mobile applications can require in excess of 100MB worth of data and storage space, which - even with 4G speeds being the norm - is simply too much to ask for the modern user, who is likely due at an appointment in a few minutes and simply wants to sign up and make use of whatever you’re selling.

Fast and familiar

Enter GBG IDscan’s new, web-based, mobile SDK - a solution your customers already have in their hands. It provides access to all the advanced features of a device’s mobile camera and makes use of some of the otherwise inaccessible device components directly from a web browser.

Our new web SDK runs entirely in the very browsers that customers utilise every day and are completely comfortable with.

What this means is that once your customer is ready to consume your product, you are ready to bring them on board - all while providing a fantastic user experience and satisfying the often demanding requirements imposed by regulators.

When speed is everything (and these days it always is), these are the features that can give you the competitive edge:

  • Instant customer verification
  • 100% white-labelled
  • Easily integrated into any website
  • Automatic camera quality detection with file upload fall-back
  • Fast and simple to use
  • Works across all devices

Click here to learn more about GBG IDscan

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