As a global leader in Identity, Location and Fraud, we leverage data and technology to help our customers make faster, and more accurate decisions. Our technology teams are constantly looking at the most innovative way to solve the challenges that exist in a way that aligns with our standards around data privacy and ethics.

According to current EU guidelines, trustworthy AI should be:

  • lawful – respecting all applicable laws and regulations
  • ethical – respecting ethical principles and values
  • robust – both from a technical perspective and taking into account its social environment

These guidelines aren’t new for GBG, as we have been applying them for years within our own privacy standards.  Throughout the organisation, up to and including Board level, we have continually implemented leading data protection standards, to ensure we comply with applicable legislation and process data securely.  It hasn’t stopped there for GBG as we believe ethical use of data and technology goes beyond this. We place individuals at the heart of what we do, which gives the added benefit of building trust with all stakeholders: individuals, our customers, suppliers, team members, investors and regulators. 

We believe our culture and the practices we have in place today provide strong foundations that we can build on to demonstrate our approach to trustworthy AI.

We acknowledge AI is an area which is rapidly evolving, with new regulations and guidelines being discussed globally.  At GBG, we will continue to actively monitor this changing landscape carefully while executing our plan to comply with the pending EU AI Act.

The principles we apply at GBG to ensure trustworthy AI are:

  1. Transparency: it’s important for all stakeholders to easily understand what AI GBG uses and what it does.
  2. Security by design: AI systems need to be technically robust and secure.
  3. Privacy by design: in addition to compliance with applicable privacy laws, the quality and integrity of the data to ensure lawful processing must be considered.
  4. Avoid unfair bias: by considering diversity, non-discrimination and fairness across all stakeholders to ensure fair outcomes.
  5. Be socially beneficial: carefully consider social and environmental impact, ensuring GBG’s processing is sustainable and that it increases access to goods and services for individuals.
  6. Ensure human oversight: our AI systems are directed and controlled by human beings, with the opportunity for feedback and relevant explanations.
  7. Accountability: clear responsibilities and auditability will be documented and monitored.

GBG will not pursue AI applications which cause or are likely to cause harm, manipulate individuals or lead to discriminatory outcomes for individuals.